terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

Deck Lost Santuary

Lançamento: 11 de Dezembro de 2010 
40 Cartas 
Livro de Regras
Guia de Jogabilidade
Campo de Duelo

● Baseado no Arquetipo Anjo
● Um tipo de deck de anjo orientado a utilizar os "agents" que tem o nome baseado nos planetas do sistema solar como base, e fazer o special summon do monstro principal.
● Também irá incluir vários reprints. 

Algumas cartas que viram:

SD20-JP001 Master Hyperion
LIGHT/Angel - Effect/8/2700/2100
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 "Agent" monster from your hand, field or Graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Angel-Type LIGHT monster in your Graveyard to select 1 card on the field and destroy it. If you control a face-up "Sanctuary in the Sky, you can used this effect up to 2 times per turn.
Ultra Rare

SD20-JP002The Agent of Mystery - Earth
LIGHT/Angel - Tuner/2/1000/800
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can add 1 "Agent" monster other than a "The Agent of Mystery - Earth" from your Deck to your hand. If there is a "Sanctuary in the Sky" face-up on the field, you can
add 1 "Master Hyperion" instead to your hand. 

SD20-JP003 The Agent of Wonder - Jupiter
LIGHT/Angel - Effect/4/1800/1000
Once per turn, activate by removing from play 1 "Agent" monster in your Graveyard. 1 face-up LIGHT Angel-Type monster you control gains 800 ATK until the End Phase. Also once per turn, if there is a "Sanctuary in the Sky" face-up on the field, you can discard 1 Angel-Type monster from your hand to select 1 of your removed from play LIGHT Angel-Type monster and Special Summon it.

É isso ae galera ate a proxima.

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